What if 80% of your students were emotionally traumatised?

How do you plan classes if you don’t know which or how many of your students will show up every day?

How do you use the artwork your students create to finance their own education?

Ssekitto Kalule Emmanuel took these questions and created an initiative that now effects most of the children in Uganda and is seeping over the boundaries to the surrounding countries.

We’ll show you how to implement. his ideas into your own classroom.

Based on Ssekitto’s work, they have witnessed better education outcomes and improved performance among the young people we empower.Also on the section of their online shop, they have tens of children from financially challenged backgrounds raise their school fees from the sale of artwork and merchandise. This has been since 2019 and here is the link to the online store:


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You can find more conversations like this one at ⁠⁠Doorways to Learning with Donna

If you like this episode, ⁠treat Donna to a coffee!!

Scaffoldingmagic.com is your entryway into DYNAMIC bilingual learning methodologies, such as Phenomenon-Based Learning, CLIL, EMI, and ESL. You’ll find ways to implement critical thinking tools (DOK) to promote higher level thinking, the growth mindset, instil an ethic of excellence, deep reflection on learning, and all through multi-cultural, interdisciplinary activities. We have the keys to turning competences into action and to creating collective efficacy in your school so you move ahead as a unified, enthusiastic team.