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    Scaffolding Visual Information in Strips (Higher Education)

    When we add strategies in activities that promote critical thinking, collaboration, negotiation and prediction – all through visual means – we’ve created a powerful means of presenting new ideas to our students. This scaffold technique also includes categorisation which, according to Morton Hunt*, one of the pioneers of the study of the mind, has been proven to yield educational efficiency and helps the brain process information more fluidly.


    When we add strategies in activities that promote critical thinking, collaboration, negotiation and prediction – all through visual means – we’ve created a powerful means of presenting new ideas to our students.This scaffold technique also includes categorisation which, according to Morton Hunt*, one of the pioneers of the study of the mind, has been proven to yield educational efficiency and helps the brain process information more fluidly.

  • Higher Education Scaffolds

    Scaffolding Visual Information in Strips (Higher Education)

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