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    Scaffolding Dialogue for Videos, Movies, Podcasts, Plays (Secondary)

    The ability to switch perspective is essential to learning in every domain. For those who follow Deepak Chopra and his deeply rooted scientific conclusions regarding the human condition, the more effort we make in seeing a situation through the perspective of someone we are offended by or disagree with, the more we heal on a cellular level – both emotionally and physically. Students are going to read chunks of dialogue taken from various tracks.


    The ability to switch perspective is essential to learning in every domain. For those who follow Deepak Chopra and his deeply rooted scientific conclusions regarding the human condition, the more effort we make in seeing a situation through the perspective of someone we are offended by or disagree with, the more we heal on a cellular level – both emotionally and physically. Students are going to read chunks of dialogue taken from various tracks.

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