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    Scaffolding with Information Wheels (Higher Education)

    Using information wheels in lessons is a wonderful way of honouring our students who need to learn through kinesthetic interaction. With information wheels, your students will use deductive reasoning, negotiate meaning, activate long-term memory, and learn new subject matter, all at the same time. Because they will be interacting with information with their hands, they’ll benefit from the essential transition from social-to-exploratory-to dialogic-to presentational-and…finally…to meta learning.*


    Using information wheels in lessons is a wonderful way of honouring our students who need to learn through kinesthetic interaction. With information wheels, your students will use deductive reasoning, negotiate meaning, activate long-term memory, and learn new subject matter, all at the same time. Because they will be interacting with information with their hands, they’ll benefit from the essential transition from social-to-exploratory-to dialogic-to presentational-and…finally…to meta learning.*

  • Higher Education Scaffolds

    Scaffolding with Information Wheels (Higher Education)

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