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    Scaffolding Dense Information with Art (Pre-School/Lower Primary)

    In this global environment, we need to help our students to develop as many skills as possible so that they are qualified for a myriad of situations. To do this, we create opportunities for them to learn through as many different learning styles as possible*. Some students in your class might be able to function in the classroom language linguistically without the need for other means of adaption. On the other hand, many of your students need visuals, audio, verbal, kinesthetics or physical interaction with the material – or any combination of these – to assimilate new knowledge.


    In this global environment, we need to help our students to develop as many skills as possible so that they are qualified for a myriad of situations. To do this, we create opportunities for them to learn through as many different learning styles as possible*. Some students in your class might be able to function in the classroom language linguistically without the need for other means of adaption. On the other hand, many of your students need visuals, audio, verbal, kinesthetics or physical interaction with the material – or any combination of these – to assimilate new knowledge.

  • Pre-School/Lower Primary Scaffods

    Scaffolding Dense Information with Art (Pre-School/Lower Primary)

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