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    Scaffolding International Thank You Day (Primary)

    The International Thank You Day – celebrated by many on January 11th, others on June 11th – is a wonderful opportunity to help our students to focus on gratitude and add to positive forces in the world. Including gratitude in the educational environments is proven to improve relationships both in and outside of the classroom. Stressing affective factors in our lessons aligns us Vygotsky’s assertion (1978) that our students are more likely to step outside their comfort zone (ZPD) when they feel that they are supported and nurtured.



    The International Thank You Day – celebrated by many on January 11th, others on June 11th – is a wonderful opportunity to help our students to focus on gratitude and add to positive forces in the world. Including gratitude in the educational environments is proven to improve relationships both in and outside of the classroom. Stressing affective factors in our lessons aligns us Vygotsky’s assertion (1978) that our students are more likely to step outside their comfort zone (ZPD) when they feel that they are supported and nurtured.

  • Primary Scaffolds

    Scaffolding International Thank You Day (Primary)

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