Cultural differences extend far beyond language, greetings, gestures, dress and beliefs. The very space we create when we meet people – or the absence of that space – is indicative of where we come from and what our understanding is of the (dis)comfort level of those we are with.
This scaffold helps us see how we can honour physical space, amongst many other differences between cultures. It includes the affective side of learning – in developing more understanding and compassionate citizens of the world as our students travel across the planet physically and/or virtually.
Cultural differences extend far beyond language, greetings, gestures, dress and beliefs. The very space we create when we meet people – or the absence of that space – is indicative of where we come from and what our understanding is of the (dis)comfort level of those we are with.This scaffold helps us see how we can honour physical space, amongst many other differences between cultures. It includes the affective side of learning – in developing more understanding and compassionate citizens of the world as our students travel across the planet physically and/or virtually.
You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Download PDF of scaffold here. theory behind scaffold… March 25th is the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. As educators, it’s vital for us to pass on bits of history so that even our youngest […]
You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Download PDF of scaffold here. theory behind scaffold… Writing is often the most difficult skill for English learners to master. The difficulty lies not only in generating and organising ideas, but also in translating these ideas into readable text. The basic steps […]
You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Download PDF of scaffold here. theory behind the scaffold… ‘Intelligence is not necessarily hereditary. Education can transform a child’ asserts Karl Witte*, a pioneer in blended learning. We have the tools, he says, to help our students to change the course of their […]
You caught a beauty!!! ************ ************ ************ Download PDF of scaffold here. Download PDF of scaffold here. theory behind scaffold… Deciding on the use of authentic materials (the use in teaching of texts, photographs, video selections and other teaching resources that were not specially prepared for pedagogical purposes) versus graded materials (standardised grammar and vocabulary) is […]