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    Scaffolding Texts through Verbal Deliberation (Pre-School/Lower Primary)


    Language is the most powerful, most readily available tool we have for representing the world to ourselves and ourselves to the world.* Up until three years of age, children organise information visually. After this turning point, they need to verbalise knowledge to understand it.* Presenting activities that give them the opportunity to verbalise what they see, helps them to develop more language.

    The technique uses critical thinking and verbal deliberation to make connections with what seems impersonal. Our young students will be actively dialoguing with each other while they consider images, listen to songs, or stories and this helps their brains to remain active. In this way, they’ll remember the material more deeply and for longer. The example we give here is from an art lesson, and you’ll see how you can adapt it to whatever story you are going to present.

  • Pre-School/Lower Primary Scaffods

    Scaffolding Texts through Verbal Deliberation (Pre-School/Lower Primary)

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