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    Scaffolding Classical Literature: Read, Remember, Rendition

    Through varied techniques, the reading of authentic classic literature is an incredibly enriching experience (although your students may not appreciate or admit this until years later!). Presented creatively, you may find that otherwise uninterested students will happily participate in activities that review/clarify details of the stories and so be able to interact with the literature more confidently.

    This activity focuses on the purity of Shakespeare’s language. Let the students roll it around in their mouths and feel the strangeness and how satisfying it is when they can finally pronounce some of the dialogue.


    Through varied techniques, the reading of authentic classic literature is an incredibly enriching experience (although your students may not appreciate or admit this until years later!). Presented creatively, you may find that otherwise uninterested students will happily participate in activities that review/clarify details of the stories and so be able to interact with the literature more confidently.

    This activity focuses on the purity of Shakespeare’s language. Let the students roll it around in their mouths and feel the strangeness and how satisfying it is when they can finally pronounce some of the dialogue.

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