
What if…The Comprehensive Guide to Creating Phenomenon-Based Learning Projects: Volume 4 Higher Level Thinking and DOK Tools

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You’ve been wanting to create Phenomenon-Based Learning projects for ages but your fear of failure – and frankly not really knowing what the elements are and how to structure the projects – has given you more fear than excitement. Here is the answer to your prayers – templates, examples using subjects and materials you use in your own classes, links, videos, and so much more – all waiting for you to download them and begin. Higher level thinking is the key to PhBL projects of quality and you now have the power to create them. Partnered with DOK tools, you are going to have sparks flying all around you as your students engage and demonstrate all those cognitive and social skills necessary to triumph not only in completing these project, but outside the classroom as well.

Once you have a strong platform for learning, your PhBl projects will much more fluid and effective. See how your planning finds shape and form, and you remember the excitement you once felt in planning come back like a storm – and how engaged your students become with these simple techniques.

  • Introduction
  • The Human Mind’s Need for Structures to Reach Higher-Level Thinking
  • Living Examples of Higher-Order Thinking
  • DOK Tools and Phenomenon-Based Learning Projects
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Circle of Reflection
  • Webb’s DOK
  • Question Continuum
  • Paul and Elder
  • Edward de Bono
  • Case Studies
  • Conclusions
  • Annexes